Iternz - A Tech Company Providing Road Monitoring Solar Sensors

Our company specialise in Design Technology, providing lifesaving and data collection sensors to Smart Cities, Councils and Corporations.  Our cutting-edge technology ensures the safety of drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, and connects end-users with real-time road and pavement information here in NZ and worldwide.

Monitor your Asset Degradation in Real Time

Iternz is collaborating with a telecommunications company and road owners/operators in New Zealand and around the world to create embedded sensors in roads that can monitor the conditions of assets in real-time.  Our team is also working on developing products that can track and report driver behaviour throughout your network.  If you're interested in collaborating with us on this innovative project, we'd be delighted to discuss further.

Partner With Us

Envision being able to proactively access and comprehend the 'live' status of your pavement and road infrastruture, while interacting with it.  Imagine having the ability to monitor and respond to road user behaviour in real-time, as well as measure, evaluate and anticipate pavement degradation in real-time.

Iternz' Interactive Road Pavement Networks (IIRPN) has developed products that are approved as well as in trials and under development, that can offer these advantages to your network.

We are actively seeking development and reseller partners to collaborate with us in expanding our smart-road-network initiative globally.  If you are interest in joining us, please get in touch with us.